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How to Find a Simple Living Community

Living a handmade, simple life can be an uphill battle sometimes. It is a worthwhile lifestyle but finding community support and like-minded friends can make it easier and more rewarding. Despite the best self-sufficient ideals and goals, we all need a simple living community to turn to and support now and then.

A pink petunia flower is growing on the plant. Text overlay reads: how to find simple living community.

Finding Commonality

It is so easy in our current culture to focus on differences rather than commonality. Stop that. Look for commonality and focus on that first and foremost. We don’t always have to agree on every point with our community members. We should be able to talk civilly with each other and agree to avoid the hot-button issues.

Find Local Interest Groups

Look for interest groups that speak to personal passions and try to join them. Join the beekeeping group or gardening group. Take a hike with the Audubon Society or participate in a community event. Use these opportunities to find people with common interests. These are great ways to gain and share expertise while building personal connections and even friendships.

Take a Class

Build skills by taking classes at local venues. Use this opportunity to meet and interact with other students and yes make friends. This is an opportunity to not only learn things to improve the personal homestead but also to find support in things that matter. This kind of support goes a long way into the building and maintaining of those skills within a framework of friendship that makes life feel better.

Online Communities

Actual person-to-person interaction is hugely important and often overlooked within the framework of social media. Still, social media can help us find simple living community. Look for Facebook groups, for example, centered around a common interest. There are no shortages of canning, livestock, homesteading, and other groups that can help us gain knowledge and community.

Cautions about online communities: avoid those filled with strife or other bits of chaos that is unsavory. Don’t allow them to become a time suck. Use communities to find and give support but not as a distraction from living life offline.

Encouragement for the Introvert

The extrovert simple living enthusiast might find building community enjoyable and easy whereas for the introvert this might all sound like some kind of torture. Introverts can and should be part of a community. This does not mean having to be active every night or constantly be surrounded by people. It does, however; mean that the realization that community builds everyone up and makes life less lonely in good times and bad. A little effort here can go a long way into building the simple life most desired.

Avoid the temptation and not easily attained ideal of total self-sufficiency and instead look to build a simple living community. A community of folks centered around shared passions and desires to build not only themselves but others as well. Use this community as a place to learn, encourage, and grow now and into the future.

How do you find simple living community in your area?

A woman's hand holds a red jar full of jam with no lid. Text overlay reads: how to find simple living community.

Thanks for sharing!

Lorri Herbert

Sunday 28th of April 2019

I live simply because I like simple things, I do not buy the latest technology or newest/latest brands of anything. My taste is simple. My problem is I live in an area where there are many people, much congestion. Not the city, but the suburbs. There is a bus line near me. (I drive), there are so many people. Competition for jobs near me are extremely fierce. The people around me seem to be type A. Soon as I start to say something, someone cuts me off an finishes my sentence. When I am with friends or family, almost every times I start to do something, someone else jumps in and does it. Living simply does not help when people around me are very fast paced and constantly interfering with me. Where could I go away from all that?


Monday 29th of April 2019

Hi Lorri, I think what you're experiencing is very common in our fast paced culture. I'm not sure there's a place where everyone lives simply and slowly. It's hard sometimes to integrate into modern society. However, I've found that when I focus on living how I want to live and give others grace to live how they want to, I have much more impact over time than I would if I sought out an entire simple living community. I wonder if you could find like minded friends through programs such as the Master Gardener's program? I've found that if I just have a couple of like minded friends it really helps.