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Elderberry Cordial Recipe

Herbal cordials are a fantastic way to improve your health and have a nice grown up treat. This elderberry cordial uses the direct infused method which takes 6 – 8 weeks so give yourself plenty of time.

A jar of elderberry cordial sits on a lace tablecloth beside a white dish filled with dried elderberries, roots, and a cinnamon stick. The text reads "ELDERBERRY CORDIAL DIRECT INFUSED METHOD.

Cordials have been used to administer medicinal herbs since ancient times and have sugar or honey added to them to make them more palatable. As the saying goes, “A little sugar helps the medicine go down.” This is certainly true of cordials.

There are several ways of making herbal cordials, the direct infusion way which is how this recipe is made. The second way is by making and reducing an herbal syrup. And the third way is a single serve herbal cordial.

Yield: 1 quart

Elderberry Cordial Recipe

A jar containing dark elderberry cordial next to a white plate with dried roots, cinnamon sticks, and a white bowl filled with dried berries, all placed on a lace tablecloth.

This Elderberry cordial is an immune boosting herbal cordial that doubles as a grown up treat.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Additional Time 1 month 11 days 14 hours
Total Time 1 month 11 days 17 hours 15 minutes


  • 1/2 cup dried elderberries
  • 1/2 cup dried echinacea root
  • 1/4 cup dried ginseng root
  • 1/4 cup staghorn sumac berries *optional (added in cold infusions for its high vitamin C content)
  • 1/2 stick cinnamon
  • 2 whole cloves
  • brandy
  • honey to taste


        1. Place all dry ingredients in a quart-size mason jar.
        2. Fill the jar to the top with brandy and cap.
        3. Let sit in a cool, dark place to infuse for 6 - 8 weeks, gently shaking to mix it every day or two.
        4. Strain liquid using a piece of damp cheesecloth
        5. Sweeten with honey to taste.
        6. Store in clean, dried bottles with sterilized caps and label with contents and date prepared.
        7. Makes approximately (8) 4-ounce servings.


There are two other ways of making an immune booster cordial - the syrup method and the single serving method.

A jar of elderberry cordial rests behind a small white bowl of elderberries on a lace tablecloth. Dried herbs are scattered on a white plate in front. Text reads "how to make Elderberry Cordial" and "ROOTSY.ORG".

Thanks for sharing!

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