Help loved ones get started on a canning journey or make their adventures more fun and efficient with this gift guide for the home canner.
The ideas here range in price from frugal to luxurious. All of them are favorite tools of ours and while some are expensive you can rest assured that they will serve you or your loved ones for the long haul.

Gift Ideas for the Home Canner
Use these ideas to help someone get started on a canning journey or make their existing canning adventures easier and faster.

Canning Essentials Boxed Set
Give someone the basics needed to get started with canning including a funnel, jar lifter, jar opener, bubble remover, and more. This set is easy to wrap and ship.

Reusable Canning Lids
Help a loved one never worry about finding canning lids at the grocery store again with reusable canning lids.

Jelly Strainer Stand
A jelly bag and stand makes draining that fruit easy and hands-off.

Stainless Steel Water Bath Canner
Give someone an upgrade from the enamel canner that eventually rusts and even springs a leak to a stainless steel canner that will last a lifetime.

Pressure Canner
Know someone ready to move into low-acid canning? A pressure canner is a must have for safety and something that can last them a lifetime and beyond.

The Ultimate Guide to Preserving Vegetables
Inspire your favorite canner with new recipes for low and high acid canning as well as give them some ideas to go beyond canning for a well rounded and tasty pantry.

Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
This book is almost a text book in it's explanation of the science behind canning and is a great read. Full of troubleshooting information and creative recipes it's a must have on any canner's bookshelf.
Guide to Jams & Jellies
Making jams and jellies is a simple and wonderful project for beginners and advanced canners alike. Find recipes, tips for gift giving and more in this booklet.

Stainless Steel Juice Steamer Extractor
While juice and jellies can be made without a steam juicer, it is much faster with one and it's a great gift for someone who likes to can lots of either for their family.

Apple/Potato Peeler Corer
Make quick work of apples with this simple hand crank machine to peel, core, and slice in one motion.

OXO Good Grips Food Mill
A food mill is great for separating peels and seeds from fruits before making sauces, jams, and more.

Cordless Hand Blender
When making pureed sauces like applesauce or blending fruit for fruit butters, an immersion blender makes for quick processing and clean-up over a standard blender or even food mill.

Cherry Pitter
While cherries can be canned with their pits, pitting them before hand is quick and easy with a machine like this. It helps make canning of jams quicker as well as cherry pie filling and more.